Monday, 18 April 2011

Ipod Apps

Their well shouted slogan is absolutely true. Drinking games, capital cities, public toilet locate. You essentially have the power every eight year old boy has wanted as some point, you just don't have to say "Go gadget..." With the vast 300,000 apps available to the iPhone there are games, word processors, doodle applications just about everything. The slogan cannot be stressed anymore with some of their apps even including More cowbell, n on screen tap to here the sound of a cowbell. Cigar puff where you can smoke an on screen cigar. And of course i mirror which is basically just the iPhone screen when locked. I should think that one is free. The apps can be great decision makers though, random number generator, drinking games and what to wear. Also the spit or swallow app. From weird to wonderful to plane useless there is an app for almost everything.

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